- Redux
- MobX
- Recoil
- Akita
- Hookstate
- React Query
- Eazy Peazy
- Zustand
- xState
- Flux
- Overmind
- effector
1. React Redux
https://github.com/reduxjs/react-redux https://react-redux.js.org/
- Maintained by the Redux team
- Designed to work with React's component model.
- Enable your components to interact with the Redux store
- complex performance optimizations
2. MobX
https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx https://mobx.js.org
A battle tested library that makes state management simple & scalable
The philosophy behind MobX is simple:
- Straightforward
- Effortless optimal rendering
- Architectural freedom
3. Recoil
https://github.com/facebookexperimental/Recoil https://recoiljs.org/
- Minimal and Reactish
- Data-Flow Graph
- Cross-App Observation
Demo : https://youtube.com/watch?v=_ISAA_Jt9kI
4. Akita
https://github.com/datorama/akita/ https://datorama.github.io/akita/
Reactive State Management Tailor-Made for JS Apps
- Built on top of RxJS
- Uses object-oriented design principles instead of functional programming
- Saves hassle of creating boilerplate code
5. Hookstate
https://github.com/avkonst/hookstate https://hookstate.js.org/
Simple but incredibly fast and flexible state management that is based on React state hook
- First-class Typescript
- Incredibly Fast
- Feature Rich
- Development Tools
- Plugins System
- Easy to Use
6. React Query
https://github.com/tannerlinsley/react-query https://react-query.tanstack.com/
Performant and powerful data synchronization for React
Fetch, cache and update data in your React and React Native applications all without touching any "global state".
7. Eazy Peazy
An abstraction of Redux, providing a reimagined API that focuses on developer experience
- Zero configuration
- No boilerplate
- React hooks based API
- Extensive TypeScript support
- Encapsulate data fetching
8. Zustand
Live Demo: https://codesandbox.io/s/dazzling-moon-itop4 https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand
Small, fast and scaleable bearbones state-management solution. Has a comfy api based on hooks, isn't boilerplatey or opinionated Still just enough to be explicit and flux-like
9. XState
https://github.com/davidkpiano/xstate https://xstate.js.org/docs/
XState is a library for creating, interpreting, and executing finite state machines and statecharts, as well as managing invocations of those machines as actors.
- Finite State Machines
- Statecharts
10. Flux
https://github.com/facebook/flux https://facebook.github.io/flux/
Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications.
It complements React's composable view components by utilizing a unidirectional data flow.
11. Overmind
https://overmindjs.org/ https://github.com/cerebral/overmind
Overmind aims for a developer experience where that is all you focus on, reducing the orchestration of state management to a minimum. Making you a happier and more productive developer!
12. Effector
https://effector.dev/ https://github.com/effector/effector
Type Safe TypeScript and Flow support out of box.
Framework agnostic Can work with any UI or server framework.
Developer-friendly Simple API surface and helpful community.
Maximum performance Static initialization provides boost in performance for runtime.
Tiny bundle size Effector uses Rollup and Terser to provide small builds.
Plain javascript No decorators, no proxies, no classes required. Only you and your data.
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