Adonisjs full course 2022

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Let's explore the view route how to use it and view the resource

5. 04 AdonisJS full course 2022 - view route.mp4

7.25 mins.




Chapter 1. Introduction of AdonisJS, Create a project ( 4 videos )

Chapter 2. How to create routes ( 4 videos )

Chapter 3. Create database and migrations, Query Builder, Controllers ( 3 videos )

Chapter 4. Form Handling, Validations, CSRF Token, Store data in database ( 4 videos )

Chapter 5. How to use bootstrap, Create layouts, Edit Form, Spoofing method ( 4 videos )

Chapter 6. Routes deleting, resource routes, create slug, show , and using models ( 7 videos )

Chapter 7. Authentication ( 3 videos )