Peer to Peer Chat Application

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What we are going to create in this course

1. Introduction

5.07 mins.




Chapter 1. Introduction ( 1 videos )

Chapter 2. Setting Up Environment ( 3 videos )

Chapter 3. Schema Building ( 4 videos )

Chapter 4. Factory ( 2 videos )

Chapter 5. Model, Controller and Resources ( 4 videos )

Chapter 6. Relationships ( 1 videos )

Chapter 7. Start with Vuejs ( 8 videos )

Chapter 8. Chat Session ( 8 videos )

Chapter 9. Making things real with Pusher ( 2 videos )

Chapter 10. Presence Channel ( 4 videos )

Chapter 11. Broadcast new session ( 4 videos )

Chapter 12. Send Messages ( 4 videos )

Chapter 13. Get All Messages ( 4 videos )

Chapter 14. Broadcast new message ( 4 videos )

Chapter 15. Unread Message Count ( 9 videos )

Chapter 16. Broadcast Read Notification ( 5 videos )

Chapter 17. Clear Message History ( 4 videos )

Chapter 18. Block Unblock ( 6 videos )

Chapter 19. Typing ( 3 videos )

Chapter 20. Laravel Websockets as a free service ( 5 videos )